• RSS 0.91
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  • ATOM 0.3
  • OPML



Well, with web files the common HTML, JS and CSS files are meant... and the intention of this program is to shrink them. This was one of my first Java program (and so looks the code). Nowadays you might not care to reduce the bandwidth but if you do, you might like this little program. It may also be used to reduce readability in a limited way.


WebFileShrinker is a console program and you may call it this way:
java -jar webfileshrinker.jar files [options]
where files might contain wildcards like *.* or gives .prj-file which contains a list of files.
-removequotesremove quotes of tag-parameters if possible (not good practise though i believe)
-lowercaseconvert all tag- and parameter-names to lower case
-uppercaseconvert all tag- and parameter-names to upper case
-togglecasetoggle the case of all tag- and parameter-names by every letter (may looks funny and confusing)
-removestringlfremove linefeeds inside strings
-leavelfleaves the linefeeds inside html
-leavescriptlfleaves the linefeeds inside javascript/css
-spacetolfconverts all spaces to linefeeds
-autoaddfilesautomatically add reference found (if this is enabled it is maybe enough to pass index.html and all others are found automatically)
-optimizescriptjavascript/css should be optimized as well (also inside tag-parameters if reconized)
-skipunchangedunchanged files should not be processed
-hideskippedskipped files should not be shown
-sourcedir=...base folder of source files
-targetdir=...base folder of target files
-logfile=...logs to specified file

There is also support for common use with ASP, this means that simple If- and Select-Statements should be handled correctly in combination with the optional HTML-Code.