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Please feel free to send me questions, suggestions and the like (either English or German).

To prevent more spam (also known as "product information") than I already get I do not want to show my email address as clear text. But the image below should show you the address and clicking on it opens a window as it were a mailto-link (if you have javascript enabled)

Please add the project name and a short summarisation in the email subject. This is to help me organise the emails automatically (and it increases your chances to get a response) - it is also helpful to avoid typos which are not in my list - why not just copy the title? (obviously if you are using a menu template for example it is important to mention that as well)

If you have a problem with an addon: Please also check the FAQ and or bug tracking system for the addon.

Before you contact me: Please understand that I cannot afford to debug your CSS code. The provided example CSS is often based on existing solutions and not inventend by myself. Please try to follow the link or use your favorite search engine - you will be suprised how many information is already out there! I can also recommend to use the webdevelopers or Firebug extension for Firefox.
(If you can, please try to avoid asking me whether / when a new version is going to be available, the answer is usually: yes / not sure yet)
Thank you.